About Parainvestigators - Find out who we are, where we
are, and what we do! We are the paranormal investigators
of Grantham Lincolnshire, England. We are genuine believers in the paranormal anomlies. We are not here to corrupt your
mind, if your a sceptic your a sceptic, and if you a believer then this site is for you. We investigate any source of paranormal
activity, though at the moment we are only investigating into paranormal activity in Grantham and the local area, this is
because we have no other sources of information and members.
We put full investigations into photos, apparitions and "rumours"
of spiritual energy. Though parainvestigators is looking to recruit members from all over the UK [United Kingdom] at the moment,
so if you live in the UK and fancy the idea of investigating paranormal activity through out the country the you can join
us for absolute no cost!
We are two young amatures, but we know what we are on about, if
you would like more information on parainvestigators, please e-mail us to our contact addresses below. You can also add us to Yahoo Messenger, if you have it of course, our user names are below. and then you can have a live chat with a parainvestigator!
We are located in the small historic town of Grantham, it has many
stories of ghosts in the surrounding area, we are gathering information and are planning to investigate these stories. Grantham
is located next to the A1 on the southbound side. It is approximatley 20-30 miles west of Nottingham. Grantham is normally
sign posted from within 40 miles of any direction.
Member Details
Their Picture
Contact Method
David Johnson, Aged: 21 Gender: Male D.O.B: 08/05/84 Hometown: Grantham, UK Status: Believer Site
Role: Quality Control, Publishing,
Ben Johnson [Ben Coy], Aged: 17 Gender: Male D.O.B: 30/11/88 Hometown: Grantham,
UK Status: Believer Site Role: Updates, Membership,
Send Instant Message b.coy@btinternet.com
Name: Shane Lee, Aged: 17 Gender: Male D.O.B: ??/??/?? Hometown:
Redditch, UK Now: Letchworth, UK Status: Believer
Send Instant Message sonofabitchbite2000@yahoo.co.uk
Name: Helen Prime, Aged: 22 Gender: Female D.O.B: ??/??/??
Hometown: Letchworth, UK Status: Believer
Send Instant Message animegoth666@yahoo.co.uk